Save Energy, Reduce Utility Bills And Keep Cool This Summer - Window Tinting and Window Film Services in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Mississippi and Wisconsin

Save Energy, Reduce Utility Bills And Keep Cool This Summer

Memorial Day has passed and Summer is officially here with warmer temperatures on the way. Forbes Online Magazine published an article entitled “Six Tips To Save Energy, Reduce Bills And Keep Cool During Summer”. In the article, they discuss strategies that could be implemented to accomplish these things. We wanted to review four of them below.

  1. Reduce Electrical Consumption in Peak Load Hours – Daily summer temperatures are highest between 2:30 and 3:30 in the afternoon. Consequently, air conditioning equipment consumes much more power than usual during this peak. It is also the time that many power companies charge more for the power used. Try to limit electrical usage during these peak hours if possible.
  2. Install Window Film – The use of window film can help reduce the amount of heat transferring into your space through the windows. By doing this, your air conditioning will not need to work as hard to keep the space comfortable. The article states that, “Studies have shown that filming your windows results in a 60% heat reduction.
  3. Use The Thermostat Properly – Instead of setting a thermostat to “Fan On” at all times, set it to “Auto” at 71 – 73 degrees. This will provide comfort and the article states that it can “save up to 40% in energy.”
  4. Save Hot Water For The Evening – The article states, “During the summer, water supplied by the municipality tends to be hot anyway, so showering in the evening will help save energy as it doesn’t require the use of the electric water heater. Saving activities that require hot water until after-hours, where possible, is a smart move and will save considerable money on bills.

It is always great to see window films being recognized as a cost effective, energy saving retrofit. With the modern window film technologies offered by MGT Films, you can achieve great heat rejection without noticeably changing the appearance of existing windows.

By reducing the heat entering your space, you save energy and reduce bills because your HVAC system does not need to work as hard to keep up with demand. Depending on the type of windows installed in a home or facility, it is possible to see energy savings pay for the window film installation within the first 24 months after install.

In addition, by the very nature of how window film works, it is most effective during peak times of the day. As the article also mentioned the strategy of reducing electrical consumption in peak load hours, window film helps in this area as well. As mentioned above, energy rates during peak hours of the day are often at their highest, so anything you can do to cut demand during these peak times will have a larger impact on the overall energy costs.

With window film blocking the greatest portion of heat from coming through the glass during peak hours, you are reducing your energy demand at the very best time of the day.

If you would like to read the entire article in Forbes, you can find it by clicking HERE.

If you would like to learn more about how window film options can help save energy, reduce bills and keep you cool this Summer, click HERE for Residential and HERE for Commercial information

If you are interesting in discussing these innovative solutions, contact us by filling out the form below for more information. Midwest Glass Tinters services homes and commercial spaces in Chicago, Central Illinois, Madison & Milwaukee, Wisconsin and St Louis and Central Missouri, Jackson, Mississippi as well as all the surrounding communities.

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