Selecting a Contractor

When Selecting a Contractor, Focus on Value Instead of Price

We are often asked by our clients when we begin discussing window films with them something like “How much will this cost per square foot?”. While that is certainly a fair question and one that we are prepared to answer, we always want to preface it by discussing the value of what Midwest Glass Tinters offers rather than the cost. …

Reduce Energy with 3M Daylight Redirecting Film

3M is Harnessing Natural Light to Reduce Energy

3M is using micro-structured prisms in a window film to optically direct as much as 80 percent of the exterior natural light in and up, helping a first-of-its-kind net zero Walgreens drugstore produce more energy than it consumes. 3M™ Daylight Redirecting Window Film is part of the Evanston, Illinois store’s net-zero design, installed on 4,000 square feet of west-facing glass …